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Volume VII


In Ulster, rumours of Spanish landing run rife just as the one-year deadline approaches for Hugh O’Neill to comply with his undertaking to Elizabeth to introduce Crown laws in Tyrone. Just then, his wife Siobhan O’Donnell dies suddenly.

Worlds Collide (Feb 14, 1591 - May 8, 1596)
Available Soon

Rome still fears Spain intends to dominate the world by again invading Ireland and England. So, Pope Clement decides upon a degree of religious tolerance as the means to constrain Spanish influence by supporting the Protestant claimant to the French throne, providing however - the new King will convert to Catholicism.

In Ulster, rumours of Spanish landing run rife just as the one-year deadline approaches for Hugh O’Neill to comply with his undertaking to Elizabeth to introduce Crown laws in Tyrone. Just then, his wife Siobhan O’Donnell dies suddenly.

Meanwhile, the Queen’s Marshal, Henry Bagenal, informs Dublin of Hugh’s dereliction of duty, which he now characterizes as treasonous. However, only the Queen and the Lord Treasurer, William Cecil are aware that the English treasury is secretly bankrupt, and so they ponder how to raise sufficient money to fund an army to march on Hugh O’Neill.

But Hugh has plans of his own. He secretly courts and then quickly marries Mabel, Sir Henry Bagenal’s sister. As a scion of an English settler in Newry, Sir Henry is furious at the notion that his family’s blood might now mingle with that of the Gaels. He decries the validity of the union in a written complaint to Elizabeth. The Queen and her Council are highly amused with Hugh’s brashness and the Marshall’s embarrassment. Hugh uses Sir Henry’s charges of disloyalty to persuade the Crown as being nothing more than resentment over the marriage.

The Crown seems unable to act, so Hugh secretly sends his trusted foster brother, Captain Turlough O’Hagan to break “Red” Hugh O’Donnell out of his imprisonment in Dublin Castle. Hugh hopes that O’Donnell will escape and seize the Clan Chieftainship and become a powerful ally.

But Red Hugh O’Donnell, has grander aspirations which include the formation of a confederacy to support a Spanish landing in Ireland. Hugh is now pressed by O’Donnell and Spain to join it publicly as the condition of Spain’s agreement to send a landing force.

In the midst of mounting tensions, Hugh O’Neill’s estranged wife Mabel Bagenal dies and Hugh turns to his mistress Catherine Magennis with a promise of marriage.

Meanwhile, the Crown and Hugh both play for time by conducting interminable negotiations. Elizabeth finds enough money to raise an army in Ireland. Then, as it marches towards a ford over a river near Dungannon, it learns of a large Gaelic force awaiting its arrival.

Hugh O’Neill is standing in a fork in the road. He contemplates his destiny while recalling the legend of the Stone of Destiny.

Trans Alps Adventure
Epic Volume Set

A Desolate Peace is the first broad account of the epic clash between the Elizabethan and Gaelic Worlds. Have a look at a complete list of volumes for this epic 10 volume set. The list also includes release dates for all volumes and links to their summaries.